Tuesday, September 29, 2020



So another week has gone by another knowledge has been shared. We are coming fast, 2 more weeks and another batch will start.

3rd week was all about practice! Common right but everybody do it. Everybody needs it. Though practice makes perfect, PRACTICE ALSO MAKES PROGRESS AND IMPROVEMENT. And that ladies and gentlemen came out from the mouth of our very own, Mr. Pocholo G. 

In his book "gusto mo ba maging voice talent" chapter 5 to 6.. He was speaking about scenes while recording your voice. Your director will hand over you a script and you gotta read it. But, with FEELINGS. Dude, you gotta act! How the hell r we gonna do that?! 

Practice....my friend. Try recording yourself and listen to your own voice. As what my tagline would say, listen so you could be heard. Read out loud your script, read between the lines too. Understand them. And hear them. In the book there are sample scripts different types. Its better to practice with sample ones. Imagine urself there at that moment.

One funny but best technique there is to practice, is the TOUNGUE TWISTERS. Its true! Try it with english or any dialect thay you may want. As long as they twist your tongue because this helps once the director pushes that record button. 

Upon dubbing you take that character, put urslef in ur characters shoe. Important thing is the facial expression. I saw one video, they were doing the weewaa weewaa exercise to at least wake ur facial muscles. Also u got to love gesture. Remember, its only your voice they hear and SEE. So u need to put your listeners in that moment. Let them feel and imagine you, who you are. And you will never be put down. 💙

Sunday, September 20, 2020



Once again another week has past. How time flies! Today was the second day of our program. It took us again 9hours for us to be able to understand what being a voice artist truly mean. No no, it was not long and boring. It was LONG & FUN! Today there were activities worth participating for. 

Mr. Pocholo discussed about CONTENTMENT, SATISFACTION, & FULFILLMENT. He told us that you will only get something with what you are sharing. Indeed there is no growth for any individual unless you learn how to share.

To further develop you voice, you need VARIETY, PROPER VOICE CARE, and BELIEVABILITY. everything you should be intentional especially when you are trying to build a character. There are two types, speech and voice. SPECH is the specific words we speak and VOICE is the way or how you speak through your words.

Throughout the day one activity i will never forget is the tongue twister with a TWIST! He made us get a pen or better a cork and put it in the middle of our teeth like biting it. Then he made us say the famous tongue twister, PETER PIPER. Man! We were all laughing as we were trying hard to keep up with the words and saying it properly and fairly even though our salivas are dripping on our tables! Lol! I told you, long but FuN!

He then said to be a tru vice artist you got to believe. Believe in your character. You have to have A perfect pitch, a perfect volume and a perfect tempo, for you to be fully developed with your voice.

In ones self, you need to have self expression, you need to affirm yourself as well while realizing what or who you truly are.

We were given a 20mins time activity to prepare 5 different character voices that we need to do while we introduce ourselves. Many of us were nervous because we need to it individually. And the funny thing is most of us did an OLD voice and the witchy voice! Our facilitator laughed said this will be last craziness of this batch! I was glad to see different talents and passion through this activity. It made us come out from our shells.

Than came a MANTRA, its like the oath of being a Certified Voice Artist,


Because all of this will be worth it in the end!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

CVAP Week One

CVAP stands for Certified Voice Artists Program or should I say “of the Philippines“. Why? Because It showcase different voice talents who are FILIPINOS even if they were born internationally or may I say half-breed. The program shows acceptance and support to voice artists aspirants and who wants to enhance their skills more.

CVAP is led by the very prestigeous voice-master in the world, Mr. Pocholo De Leon Gonzales. The man of many stories. He has overcome a lot through out the years. Today was our first time meet him via online seminar. He spoke of a lot of things mainly on how to deal with people who will put you down especially in this industry. He also taught us to inspire not to conspire.

Being part of his workshop, made me realize so many things and one most important thing that remained on my mind Was to be GRATEFUL. Everyday when we wake up we always have that choice, the choice to make this day a normal day like yesterday or make this day useful by starting to be grateful. We did not choose to wake up today but HE, our LORD woke us up and made today a PRESENT.

Mr, Pocholo said that in this industry You should never forget to have F.U.N. Normally we think of it as just the normal meaning fun “fun” which is true, But what he meant by this was F as Farticipation! Lol! Everyone laughed and thinking his crazy. But surprisingly he made it a point that participating in all your desire means thriving yourself to be the best. Next is U for Umor! Jokingly he was doing this to get our attention which was working. And lastly, N for Njoy! A short text message you send to your friends but meaning to never forget to literally have fun and enjoy every moment!

He had a lot of abbreviations. Another one I cannot forget was L.C.D. This time he was being really serious. In every profession you choose or what God has chosen for you, never forget these three letters. Loyalty...being loyal to anyone makes you grow a foundation of trust. And having trust inside a relationship or a community matters because surroundings and vibes will always be at peace. Commitment...we all got to be committed at some point. Wherever its for your partner, your job or whichever. When a person commits, he Will go far. Dedication...a usual term for everything your doing. Simply, if your not dedicated where will you be?

To what I understood, acceptance will always be the key to inner peace. Wherever you are whatever you do accept yourself to accept challenges and to accept downfalls then you will appreciate the outcome of all your blood sweat efforts.

In his seminar you will understand that having a goal and achieving it Through your passion and perseverance will never fail you and as long as you have the Lord with you you will never be forsaken.

Thank you Sir Pocholo, week one is just a start. Looking forward to a lot of inspiring lessons.

CVAP Week FOUR! Final week

For the last couple of weeks, i have been looking for my niche. A niche is what you think you are good at. What you can portray. What you ca...